About BetterPlace

Transforming the lives of
16M+ frontline workers, and counting.

BetterPlace commenced its journey in 2015 as a Background Verification Platform with the objective of ensuring a safe working environment.

As the company ventured into the frontline workforce management space, we realized that to uplift the entire ecosystem. We needed to take both the B2C and B2B routes to revolutionize how enterprises employ and engage with the blue- and grey-collar workforce.

Today, we are a full-stack horizontal SaaS-based platform offering end-to-end workforce management solutions to enterprises hiring and managing frontline workers.

Group Companies


A blue-collar staffing platform with over 3 million workers in their community and coverage in over 270 cities, MyRobin provides on-demand, pre-screened, frontline workers on a long and short-term basis to enterprises in Indonesia. MyRobin also offers embedded financial services like early wage and discounts on daily needs and has its own frontline workforce upskilling platform called MyRobin Academy.


A flexible talent solutions technology player, disrupting the existing part-time recruitment culture and structure in Malaysia to reduce the barriers of trust and cost to market as well as access to a safe and quality pool of recruiters and job seekers.

Creating larger impacts

  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • UAE

Our journey so far

Mission and Vision

The ‘one’ purpose we strive for

We are on a mission to empower frontline workers worldwide and help them live better lives. Our commitment to uplifting the frontline workers is rooted in our belief that they are the backbone of society, and that their well-being is essential to the health and vitality of our communities.

How we do it?

In our constant pursuit of seeking excellence with happiness,
our values are at the heart of everything that we do

We Innovate


for All


Failure Fosters

We are
ONE Team


BetterPlace offers a versatile and comprehensive tech platform that caters to the needs of various industries. Our platform is designed to help businesses streamline their operations and manage their workforce more efficiently, allowing them to focus on growth and profitability.


Our team of 900+ people are guided by the leaders who inspire us every day

Recognised as the Best in the Industry

Best Use of SaaS award at the India Digital Enabler Award - I.D.E.A 2023

Economic Times Edge Best Tech Brands of 2023

The Economic Times Future Ready Organisations 2022

Best use of technology implementation in learning & development at L&D Confex 2023